In the month of June, the apricot gains of importance in Majorca when its harvesting time starts. Therefore we have a baking recipe for you so that you can also enjoy a piece of Majorca when being back home. Porreres is the centre of apricot growing and on the 10th of June the Fira de l’Albercoc (apricot fair) revolves around the small, healthy fruit. The apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is smaller and more inconspicuous than its relative the peach and both are from the genus Prunus and the family of the rosaceous plants. In Majorca, the apricot is called “albercoc”, in Spanish “albaricoque”, and the Austrians call it “marille”.

A true vitamin bomb
Small but very tasty – the pale yellow-to-orange round stone-fruit, covered with a delicate down, has a diameter of only 4 to 8 cm but is a class of its own. The apricot, containing all the most important vitamins, also has a lot of minerals and of all fruit varieties it has the highest proportion of provitamin A. The vitamins E and C strengthen the immune system, vitamin B5 the nerves and betacarotine the eyesight. Eating it regularly is also said to protect against cancer. In addition, apricots combat tiredness and lighten the spirit. In China, the fruit is a symbol of feminine beauty which is no wonder as it helps to maintain a beautiful skin and hair.

Home-grown and rosy-cheeked
Even though at this time of the year the island markets are full of plump peaches and nectarines it is nevertheless the little apricot which is typical for the island. The fruit is indispensable in Majorcan sweet dishes such as cakes, compotes and jams. One sort of apricot, which is grown exclusively in Porreres, is particularly juicy and pink-coloured and is called the “Galta Vermell”, or “Rosy-cheek”. Other varieties are called “Rojo Carlet” or “Canino”.
Porreres, the apricot centre
As early as the 5th century the Arabs brought apricot, almond, orange and lemon trees to the island and during the Moorish occupation from the year 902, apricot growing was specifically encouraged. The centre of cultivation is to this day the region of Migjorn, especially around Porreres as far as Felanitx. From the end of the 19th century this ensured a tradition of wealth and prosperity in the villages in the island centre. The best years were between 1960 and 1980, after which the Majorcan apricots were displaced by those from Turkey, Morocco and Algeria. Today the fruit no longer plays as great a role as before, but in a good year still more than 100 tons can be harvested. According to the agricultural cooperative of Porreres, however, apricot harvesting is a little poor this year due to the fact that excess rain in the winter caused the trees to suffer from flooding.
The apricot fair
It is said that the home-made apricot marmalades and the ensaimada with apricot filling from Porreres are particularly sweet. The beginning of the harvest season is celebrated with just these delicacies. In June – this year on Saturday, June 10th – the “Fira de l ‘Albercoc” revolves solely around the apricot. The restaurants and bars offer special menus such as hearty stews refined with the fruit and Majorcans love this little “sweet touch” in salty food, allegedly a legacy from the time of the Arab occupation. Afterwards, to help the digestion, a schnapps distilled from the sweet fruit is recommended. For dessert, a fruity sweet apricot yeast cake is served – the “Coca d’Albercoc” is served with jam, cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Coca d’Albercoc
This typical Majorcan cake should definitely be tried during harvest time in Majorca, and those who are back home after the holidays can bake it themselves using this delicious recipe.

250 g flour
2 packets of yeast
150g sugar
2 eggs
100ml of milk
100ml of oil
Some brown sugar
20 apricots
Some powdered sugar
Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees with top and bottom heat.
Halve the apricots and remove the stones. Sprinkle the fruit with 50 grams of sugar and put them aside. Now prepare the dough: Mix the flour with the yeast and add milk, vegetable oil and water. Take care not to let the dough rise for too long. Separate the eggs and mix the egg yolks with the remaining 100 grams of sugar until a whitish mass is formed. Add a tablespoon of egg white and fold it into the dough. Grease a baking tin with some oil and evenly distribute the dough. Arrange the apricots with the skin-side down on top. After 10 minutes of baking, sprinkle the dough with a little brown sugar and let it bake for another 20 minutes. After baking, spread some oil on the cake and sprinkle it generously with powdered sugar before eating.